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November 9, 2023

Lettuce Build Gardens, Lettuce Support Community

Lettuce Build Gardens, Lettuce Support Community

Help GRuB gift 150 food-producing gardens to households with scarce financial resources.


Now more than ever, our community is calling for more self-reliance, more local, accessible, and healthy foods as well as more mutual aid and generosity. In this time of huge change, families can be affected by any number of challenges—coronavirus, lack of health resources, reduced income or housing instability, the stress of police violence in communities of color. At GRuB, we want to help make sure that food scarcity isn't one of those concerns.


We’re raising $30,000 to build 150 gardens, and we only have $8,898 to go! $250 will provide a household with a raised-bed or container garden offering 20 square feet of garden space, seeds, plant starts, and a trellis.

Donate here to gift a garden.

• Make a one-time gift of any amount ($5, $15, $25, $100, $?). It all adds up!

• Become a recurring donor: $5 per month, $10 per month, or $20.83/month for one year = one garden!

Form a Quaran-Team!

Join forces with your friends, pool your resources, and sponsor a garden together.

• Twenty-five people donating just $10 each covers the cost of a garden for one family. 

• Part of a faith community or other group? Ask them to recruit a Quaran-team and sponsor a garden.

• GRuB can make you a personalized, online fundraising page that you can share via email or other social media. Contact


Thank you for joining us in gifting gardens and supporting our community’s good health.

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