GRuB Career Pathways

GRuB's Approach to Career Pathways

Our Career Pathways program is made possible through our partnership with PacMtn and funded through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), a contract through the Department of Labor. Services are available upon eligibility and until funds are exhausted.

This program is brought to you in partnership with WorkSource, an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Washington Relay Service: 711. For WorkSource PacMtn's USDOL grant funding details, visit

About GRuB Pathways Program

Learn about program eligibility, career pathways and participant expectations.

You are eligible if you…

…are 16-24 years old, 

and not currently enrolled in school (can be in a GED program), 

and have one or more of the following barriers to employment:

  • Convicted or pending conviction of offense
  • English language learner
  • Have a physical and/or learning disability
  • Experiencing homelessness and/or runaway
  • In foster care, previously in foster care, or aging out
  • Left high school before graduating
  • Pregnant or Parenting
  • Low Income*
  • Deficient in basic literacy skills

*Must meet federal poverty guidelines. Some exceptions apply.

What we offer:

Connections to all career pathways, but specializing in:

  • Farming (vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, grains)
  • Livestock/meat processing
  • Plant propagation (nurseries)
  • Culinary (cooking/baking)
  • Landscaping, forestry, ecological restoration
  • Outdoor education

Ways you can advance:

  • Temporary employment, at a work site matching your interests
  • Participating in career skills training
  • Enrolling in college, trade schools, apprenticeships
  • On-the-job Training
  • And more!

Also, you get rewarded for making progress on your career goals! Talk to us about incentive payments!

Participant expectations:

  • Communicate with staff within a timely manner 
  • Stay committed to created career goals
  • Participate in community and work-based projects

Want to Participate?

Complete the Pathways interest form to get started!

Questions? Connect with our Career Pathways coordinator Selena Rodocker. Email or call/text 360-358-1855 for assistance.