GRuB's Approach to Career Pathways
Our Career Pathways program is made possible through our partnership with PacMtn and funded through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), a contract through the Department of Labor. Services are available upon eligibility and until funds are exhausted.
About GRuB Pathways Program
Learn about program eligibility, career pathways and participant expectations.
You are eligible if you…
…are 16-24 years old,
…and not currently enrolled in school (can be in a GED program),
…and have one or more of the following barriers to employment:
- Convicted or pending conviction of offense
- English language learner
- Have a physical and/or learning disability
- Experiencing homelessness and/or runaway
- In foster care, previously in foster care, or aging out
- Left high school before graduating
- Pregnant or Parenting
- Low Income*
- Deficient in basic literacy skills
*Must meet federal poverty guidelines. Some exceptions apply.
What we offer:
Connections to all career pathways, but specializing in:
- Farming (vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, grains)
- Livestock/meat processing
- Plant propagation (nurseries)
- Culinary (cooking/baking)
- Landscaping, forestry, ecological restoration
- Outdoor education
Ways you can advance:
- Temporary employment, at a work site matching your interests
- Participating in career skills training
- Enrolling in college, trade schools, apprenticeships
- On-the-job Training
- And more!
Also, you get rewarded for making progress on your career goals! Talk to us about incentive payments!
Participant expectations:
- Communicate with staff within a timely manner
- Stay committed to created career goals
- Participate in community and work-based projects
Want to Participate?
Complete the Pathways interest form to get started!
Questions? Connect with our Career Pathways coordinator Selena Rodocker. Email or call/text 360-358-1855 for assistance.